The Zen farm Vision,

Is of a thriving dynamic and diverse productive ecosystem, embodying the perfect human habitat where organic foods grow all year round, all ecological niches are filled with useful and productive species. Founded upon optimized conditions for nature to thrive and utilizing the widest range climatically adapted fruits, nuts, vegies, herbs, legumes, grain and condiments available.

Strategic vegetation types cover the landscape and constitute the best holistic arrangement of food crops for human sustenance and also for domestic animals, who are kept in seasonal forage systems, rotated strategically as they recycle nutrients, improve fertility and feed themselves.

We seek to achieve and sustain conditions of fertility and optimal ‘Bio-Engagement’ of production species and the creation of diverse, resilient vegetative mass that requires little maintenance to yield prolifically throughout the seasons and years to come.

Zen farming entails only doing the things that work with nature’s momentum and entails the ‘Not-doing’ of most typical farming practices that disturb soil structure and destroy habitat in the name of a neat and tidy appearance.  We instead focus optimizing growing conditions and promoting nature’s momentum, minimizing maintenance needs, reducing input expenses, being an integral part of the ecology ourselves, and reaping increasing harvests of gourmet fresh nutrient packed seasonal foods with nature aligned ease.