Forage Master Heritage X Chickens
These beautiful birds have been selectively bred and developed over the past 8 years in the NSW Northern Rivers, for their foraging skills, sustained egg laying, large size, beautiful camouflage feather patterns, flying ability, general hardiness and survival instinct against predators.
Their genetics are derived from the best dual purpose homestead breeds including. Barred Plymouth rock, Wyandotte, Barnevelder, Rhode island red, Australorp, Sussex, Welsummer & Arucana.
(No adults currently available)

Fertile Eggs -for Forage Masters
Larger birds laying brown eggs $30 Doz
& Blue-Green egg laying strain $35 Doz.

Baby Chickens
Baby forage master chicks, being hatched regularly.
$10 each or 6 for $50
Sold unsexed (unwanted rooster return offered)

Guinea Pigs
Raised 100% on a free range diet of grasses, legumes, weeds and fresh herbs.
Great for lawn maintenance in a cell graizing system or mobile cage.
Produce amazing compost from their waste
Hardy livestock that can easily survive on a wide range of vegetation types.
Currently have pregnant females available for $25 And juveniles for $15