Integrated Holistic Design for ultimate productive efficiency
Optimizing the groundwork layout for leveraging ‘Holistic Natural Efficiency’, and producing a year-round supply of nutritious foods, in ecological balance on Nature’s very generous terms.
Creating a strategic design layout on how to grow and utilize the widest range of useful species efficiently and naturally, how to leverage all aspects of Nature’s ability to Thrive on its own, and to quickly transform the landscape around you into abundant food producing ecological systems based on Nature’s own blueprints to thrive and yield with ease.
We will co-create a customized design, integrating your vision for the property, the specific features and elements that you’d like, combined with the insights from the site assessment of your land, determining the strategic placement of all production plants, animals, structures and fencing throughout the various specific productive systems.
After reading the landscape and all of its variances and potentials, we can optimize the growing conditions with water harvesting contour channels, terraces, ponds, dams, irrigation systems and natural aquaculture; we can then strategically position all productive elements into their optimal niche to thrive naturally-holistically. Strategically finding the optimal niche and microclimates for all the production systems and outlining the range of plants and the livestock that will be managing these areas. Designed and specifically created as seasonally maturing orchards and broadcast cropping areas. The best location for the housing for animals that can connect to the strategic forage/production areas; Fruit and nut trees clustered for seasonal maturing times for efficient harvesting and animal foraging; Locating the optimal locations for all the main permanent plantings of Perennial vegetables, herbs, livestock forage crops, timber species; Specific seasonal Cropping areas for broadcasting annual grains, legumes, root and leaf crops into the mulch layer; and considering the relative location for all our interactions achieving the ultimate state of natural efficient production. Achieving a state of reliable abundance and sovereignty on the land in our role as stewards of our own life sustaining ecological garden-farm.
The synthesis design is accompanied with a detailed implementation schedule for the fastest and most efficient path to succession of productive species in establishing thriving ecological systems that become more productive with diminishing need for inputs over time. Achieving a state of self-reliance in symbiosis with nature and the Earth, becoming stewards of our own thriving healthy ecological habitat.
In person in the Lismore NSW region $275 for suburban yards & $500 for rural properties
And offering Remote designs where the owner performs part of the site assessment, develops their vision and we together create an Integrated Holistic Design. $250
Cheers to Abundance with Natural Ease!
The benefits of an Integrated Holistic Design include:
* Gaining the confidence that your ground plan will achieve optimal productive efficiency as it matures in to Thriving ecological abundance.
* With confidence and clarity of the strategic layout of all productive elements you can move forward and….
- Learn how to co-create with nature and develop the most reliable, diverse, food producing ecologies around your home and surrounding landscape; that will provide you with a gourmet range throughout the year.
- Expand your in-season diet to include a wider range of perennials and easy to grow annual fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, legumes, grains, and condiments.
- Learn how to optimize the fundamental growing conditions for nature to thrive and yield effortlessly on its own terms throughout the seasons.
- Integrate and develop animal self-feeding seasonal habitats, and have your livestock perform vegetation maintenance, nutrient recycling, fertility enhancement and ground preparation for broadcast cropping.
- Come to understand the many benefits of no-tillage soil management and the promotion of mulches, deepening the humus layer, making and applying liquid fertilizer and other natural inoculants to enhance fertility.
- Free up your time, energy and finances from time-consuming and detrimental practices such as mowing, brush cutting, spraying chemicals, ploughing/ tilling & other attempts to control nature. Instead learn to embrace and co-create with nature’s inherent potential to produce yields.
- Utilize animals and/or light deprival sheeting techniques to naturally convert weeds and grass to mulch and easily prepare areas for no-tillage conversion to food ecology.
- Phase out input expenses, for (your own food supply, animal feeds, herbal medications, fertilizer, potting mixes, seeds & plants, fuels & machinery), through more ecologically efficient practices and home-grown alternatives.
- Start or improve your own heirloom seed bank and efficient home nursery. Learn the most effective ways to process and store seeds, site your nursery, make your own excellent potting mixes, propagate your own plants and build a hot house to extend the growing seasons.
- Improve any existing farm or garden with deeper understanding of ‘holistic natural efficiency’, which is the interplay of time, energy, resources, materials & labour – to align with natural momentum, achieve reliable productivity and enjoy sustained results.

Zen-Farming Mentoring towards Thriving Ecological Abundance
I can guide you on the fastest, most efficient way to align with Nature’s power to thrive and create an enduring ecological paradise to sustain you and your family.
Mentoring available on a monthly basis for $100 p/m (includes email and weekly chat if required)
Benefits of Zen-Farming Mentoring
- Help you to understand nature’s potential to thrive, the Vision of Thriving Ecological Abundance and the direct path to its achievement.
- Begin using ‘Holistic Natural Efficiency’, the mind set for the transition of the existing ecology into the long term resilient, diverse, production.
- Create with you an ‘Integrated Holistic Property Design’ to outline the most strategic & efficient locations of all productive elements.
- Acquire & maintain your own Self-Reliance Heirloom Seed Bank & create an efficient home nursery to propagate food plants.
- Set up forage areas for livestock to begin transforming the existing vegetation and preparing ground for productive planting.
- Understanding No-till soil preparation and its ongoing management for sustained fertility & diminished weeds
- Design and plant out Chicken and other livestock seasonal forage production guilds
- Create four seasonal cropping areas and Four seasonally maturing orchards for focussed production & livestock forage/feeding
- Strategic planting out a foundation of perennial food crops as the permanent ecological structure
- Learn how to Broadcast seeds of seasonal annual grain, legume, leaf and root crops
- Getting out of Nature’s as we ‘Stop-doing’ actions (Mowing, ploughing, spraying synthetic chemicals and destroying meadow habitats) that waste nature’s productive potential.
** Customized Mentoring to your specific needs and situation. We can work from a lawn, patch of weeds or any existing garden or farm.Includes email and phone correspondence as you require in response to your unique situation.
If you’re interested in being self-reliant in Symbiant harmony with nature and the planet, Email me your project outline, your location and significant details, your current experience with growing food plants and what resources you already have available to work with.
Cheers to Abundance with Ease!
Matt Downie